A little something for the feminists
Just in case any of my feministy buddies stop by, I can't lose all my hard earned internet cred. So here's a little limerick for us. I had to play a little with the time-tested format, which I really don't like doing. But I think it's worth it for the intricate plot twists that develop from it. Plus, I think you can really identify with the protagonist in this one.
I call Limerick #4:
"Ovaries of Doom"
A physicist was in a solarium
She wanted radioactive ovarium
Bombarded bismuth with iron
And soon she was tryin
To implant new ones made of Meitnerium
I'm sure you agree with me on the plot twists now. You read the first two lines and think "Solarium? Radioactive ovarium? I know this old song and dance. It's all about the seaborgium." But then: bam! Meitnerium comin' atcha.
Fun Feminist/Physicist Fact! Meitnerium was named after a female physicist named Lise Meitner. To this day, it is not known (by me) whether or not radioactive ovary implants had any connection to her death.
I call Limerick #4:
"Ovaries of Doom"
A physicist was in a solarium
She wanted radioactive ovarium
Bombarded bismuth with iron
And soon she was tryin
To implant new ones made of Meitnerium
I'm sure you agree with me on the plot twists now. You read the first two lines and think "Solarium? Radioactive ovarium? I know this old song and dance. It's all about the seaborgium." But then: bam! Meitnerium comin' atcha.
Fun Feminist/Physicist Fact! Meitnerium was named after a female physicist named Lise Meitner. To this day, it is not known (by me) whether or not radioactive ovary implants had any connection to her death.
ooh, I wanna help!
One suggestion for the elements ending in "ium" (if you're determined to stick with the "man from xy Place" format): Roman Place Names "there once was a man from Byzantium"...
Might as well stick with the Latin! I don't think anything else would rhyme... Unless, perhaps corporation names?
Looking forward to "Tungsten" and "Cobalt". :p
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