Sunday, November 27, 2005

Getting the lead out!

I really needed a mental break after "mercury" taxed me so. I'm really not looking forward to finding an arsenal of words ending in "ium." Really, scientists. A little forsight, please? If you could toss in a few extra elements, that say, rhyme with "poo" or "butt," I'd appreciate it. No one will notice. Just start it off with a "U" and say it's horribly unstable but it was like, totally there. I'll buy it.

Anyway, I'm going to enjoy this while I can, so up next we have lead!

But first, it's time for a FUN Fact about Lead Testicles! They'd probably kill you.

Moving on to Limerick #3! This one's called:

"Apparently, There's a City Named Moosehead"

There once was a man from Moosehead
Whose balls were made out of lead
And when he would jump
He'd often hear 'thump'
As inertia sent them to his head.

I'm pretty proud of this one. It has a certain simplicity that I like. Plus, the mental image of a man getting face-thwacked by his own lead pair is pretty hilarious. I hope you agree.


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